Specific Needs

Currently, our monthly support meets only one-third of our monthly expenses.

(How are we managing to pay our expenses, then, you might ask? Well, um, creatively. And by the grace of God. Long-term, though, we need more sustainable solutions.)

We are hoping that people will commit to monthly financial donations so that we can continue to do the ministry that we are doing. To meet a very modest budget, we need to have 4 people sign up for $500/month, 20 people sign up for $100/month, or 100 people sign up for $20 a month.

Realistically, we are looking for some combination, and we are quite happy if people want to sign up for random amounts like $213 or $42/month. 🙂

If you believe in some aspect of the ministry we are doing, would you prayerfully consider becoming part of our financial support team?

Please feel free to contact us about any aspect of this; practical instructions are available here.

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