
We are so thankful.  We are heading out full of thankfulness for all that you have said and done, especially in the last month.  We are thankful for you.

Our hearts are heavy to be leaving our community, our family, and the work that we have been a part of, but our hearts have been filled up over and over again.  You have prayed for us, brought us (spontaneous and planned) gifts, cards, & cash, encouraged us, hugged us, talked with us, gotten information on how to stay in contact, and asked how to mail us stuff!  We have been surprised and overwhelmed by your support and encouragement.

I hope that we have appropriately thanked all of you personally, but one more time:

Thank you.

We have been sent out, and we are so excited to be going!

Saskatchewan, here we come!

Its officially our last month in Canada before we leave for a year in Rwanda.  Crazy.

Tomorrow we leave for a week of fundraising, presenting, and visiting.  Our first stop is Medicine Hat, where Mike’s lovely cousin is hosting a Scentsy fundraising party for us. (Check it out online here.)  After a couple other visits there, we head to Regina.  Thursday night the generous and gracious Parry & Laurie are hosting a gathering/presentation at their home.  Then on to Lafleche, to celebrate Thanksgiving with Mike’s family and preaching on Sunday at the People of Praise church.  On our way home to Blackfalds, we’ll stop for a quick visit with my Oma.

Those of you we’ll be visiting this week, we are looking forward to seeing you!!