Fundraising Campaigns are LIVE!

Tallons' Tales Online

Its the moment you’ve all been waiting for… No, its not Black Friday, its the oppoortunity to give to a project in Rwanda.

We are currently running two campaigns: one is for our personal house, and one is for the MDC Healthcare Centre.

If you are from Canada would like to give towards our house, you can give through YWAM Project Funding, and recieve a tax-deductible donation. The amount will be added to the total.  (And we recieve more of the money that way.

As of right now, we do not have a tax-deductible option for Mutara Development Centre donations (but we are working on it).

You can find the campaign for our house here:

The campaign for the MDC Healthcare Centre is here:

Thanks for your consideration and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

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Fundraising Campaigns are LIVE!

Its the moment you’ve all been waiting for… No, its not Black Friday, its the oppoortunity to give to a project in Rwanda.

We are currently running two campaigns: one is for our personal house, and one is for the MDC Healthcare Centre.

If you are from Canada would like to give towards our house, you can give through YWAM Project Funding, and recieve a tax-deductible donation. The amount will be added to the total.  (And we recieve more of the money that way.

As of right now, we do not have a tax-deductible option for Mutara Development Centre donations (but we are working on it).

You can find the campaign for our house here:

The campaign for the MDC Healthcare Centre is here:

Thanks for your consideration and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!


Foundation Celebration

After months and months of nothing seeming to happen, suddenly everything seems to be happening very quickly.

At the end of October, the foundation for the health centre was completed.  We wanted to invite others to pray and celebrate the building beginnings with us.

We set a day, and invited the YWAM team from Kigali and some local officials to join us for a meal and a time of prayer.

I don’t have much for pictures – I was attempting to cook the meal, and when I got there it was starting to rain.  But we had about 60 people (including 20 who are currently working to build the health centre) join us for the time.

By the end of the month we are expecting to have the walls and roof finished; after that we will proceed as we have funds.

Our team members Christian and Fiona Merrild created a video of the building process so far: you can view it here.

Spoiler alert: Its NOT that we are pregnant.

Getting groups of people to stop talking and listen, when you are at a meal or out somewhere is often a challenge.  My favourite way is the announcement song: its is funny, and if a part of your group is familiar with it, everyone is singing or listening by the end, and ready to listen.  Here it is:

What a terrible way to die

A terrible way to die

A terrible way, to be bored to death,

A terrible way to die:

Announcements, Announcements,



Did it work?  OK, here goes:

We bought land!




Surveying the land.


Marking the boundaries

We have been very nomadic both before and after our marriage.  You may not believe it, but this is not either of our natural preference.  I’m sure you won’t believe me, but we are actually homebodies.  Our nomadic journey has been partly due to budget constraints and partly due to ideals, but after a year of considering, gathering advice, and researching, we are moving forward with building our own house.

Right now, we think it will cost us $20,000.  We have the ability to borrow some, but we would like to be able to raise more than half by the end of this year.

We will be using the platform GoFundMe to facilitate this.  At the same time, we will be launching a campaign to fundraise for the clinic we are building.  With our slow internet, it is taking me some time to properly launch these.  But in advance, please consider giving to one of these projects.